David Archibald, MD

Paul H. Rhee MD, FACS

Chin Implants
Denver, CO Area

Enhance and Balance Your Face’s Frame

Chin augmentation or chin implant, also known as genioplasty, provides definition to the lower face and brings the chin and jaw line into harmony with the remainder of the face. The procedure can add height while also increasing the projection of the chin, thus balancing the facial profile. Chin implants are fashioned out of various biocompatible materials including Gore-Tex®, silicone, and Medpor. Each chin implant is custom designed for the individual patient to achieve a natural look. The results are permanent unless reversed by implant removal.

The Benefits of Chin Implants

Chin implants can be used to create a stronger chin or provide facial balance to a prominent nose. A small chin that protrudes very little may make an average-sized nose seem large. Chin implants provide a subtle change, but the impact on facial harmony is profound. Many aesthetic surgeons feel that chin augmentation is one of the most satisfying procedures as it provides a significant cosmetic impact relative to its cost.

Chin augmentation may be performed alone, but it is frequently combined with other complementary facial plastic procedures, such as rhinoplasty. Chin augmentation and rhinoplasty may be performed simultaneously to provide a more balanced and natural result. Liposuction of the neck can be performed with chin augmentation to create a more defined and youthful transition from the jawline to the neck. Chin augmentation is also performed with face and neck lift surgery, improving the neck and jawline and providing increased support to the repositioned soft tissue of the face.

The Chin Implant Procedure

When a chin implant is performed in isolation, it is usually done with twilight and local anesthesia. If performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty, facelift, liposuction or other surgical procedure, general anesthesia is recommended. A small incision is made in the crease beneath the chin. It can also be performed from an incision inside the mouth. Through the incision, a carefully sized, medical-grade biocompatible implant is placed behind the chin muscles which moves the muscle and overlying skin of the chin forward.

Chin augmentation patients can return home the day of their procedure, but must wait a few days to a week to resume everyday activities. After surgery, bruising and swelling may persist for 7-14 days.

Begin with a Chin Enhancement Consultation

Learn how chin implants can help to improve facial symmetry and provide you with the well-balanced look you desire. Contact our office to schedule your consultation for chin enhancement at the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock.

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