Lose Your Double Chin with Kybella!

An age-old trouble spot, the double chin has and continues to plague many of our patients. Understanding the frustration that a fuller chin and neck can present, we are thrilled to announce that we now perform Kybella at the Center for Plastic Surgery at Castle Rock.

A revolutionary fat dissolving injectable, Kybella targets submental (below the chin) fullness. With Kybella, a toned and tightened chin and jawline can be yours.


Kybella is perfect for patients with moderate to severe facial fullness who desire a stronger jaw line, but are hesitant to undergo a more invasive surgery. Previously, treating submental fullness was limited to more invasive procedures such as liposuction or a surgical neck lift. The first of its kind—Kybella is the only injectable treatment to stimulate fat reduction.

Permanent Solution

When injected, Kybella causes fat cells to burst and liquefy before being naturally flushed from the body. As the cells are no longer present, they can no longer store or accumulate fat, giving you a shapely and defined jaw line. Kybella is thus a permanent solution and re-treatment should not be necessary.

A Quick Treatment with Little to No Downtime

Completed as a series, the treatments are spaced at least one month apart. At 80 percent, the majority of patients see results in as little as two to four treatments. A small amount of patients requires the full series of six. Each treatment lasts approximately 15 to 20 minutes. With relatively no downtime or visible side effects, you are free to return to your day immediately following your Kybella treatment.

A Solution that Works!

Dr. Archibald and Dr. Rhee are excited by what Kybella can do for submental fullness! Are you ready to say goodbye to your double chin? Don’t wait, schedule a consultation today.

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